How to recover deleted SMS text messages On Your Device - TechzBot V1 How to recover deleted SMS text messages On Your Device | TechzBot V1

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Monday, 29 May 2017

How to recover deleted SMS text messages On Your Device


There will be many instances, where your text messages might get deleted without any notifications, due to various unfortunate reasons. With smartphone becoming touch-based, the mobiles are prone to these types of things.

Saying that all the deleted messages are not lost, as it will be stored in virtual space which can be retrieved back. There are lots of tools available in order to restore the SMS. Today, we are going to use Android Recovery tool that can restore contacts, SMS, media files, and documents immediately.

Step 1: Connect your Android phone to computer
Step 2: Download and install the Android recovery software
Step 3: Now turn on the USB debugging on your Android phone. The debugging helps the computer software to access Android device in a more advanced manner.

Step 4: If you don't know, you can do it by heading on to Settings > About Phone > Tap Build number for several times until getting a note 'You are under developer mode' > Back to Settings > Developer options > Check USB debugging

Step 5:
 As you click the start button on the main screen, the software scans all the lost messages.

Step 6: During this process, make sure that your mobile battery is more than 30%.
Step 7: Once the scanning is done, you will get a list of things displayed on the screen.
Step 8: Click the Messaging option on the left menu bar, and then it shows all the text messages stored on your device, including the deleted ones. The ones marked in red color are lost messages which are recoverable. Click “Recovery” button on the bottom to start the recovering process.
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